Let’s talk about the Wolf Moon!
The name for this full moon came from the frequent howls and other vocalizations heard from wolves during the cold winter months. But there are other names for this particular moon, including the Cold Moon from the Cree, and the Severe Moon from the Dakotas.
Even though we might associate wolves with nighttime, they don’t have the best eyesight during those dark hours, so it makes sense that they might be more likely to hunt during the full moon. And in the depths of winter, the pack will come together to do so, which explains the reason Natives gave the first full moon of the year this name.
Full Moon Potential
During the Full Moon, the full, bright appearance is said to be the optimal time to reap the rewards of the progress you’ve made toward the intentions you set at the New Moon.
Making Moon Water
When the moon is at its brightest, especially during the Full Moon, it’s the perfect time to make Moon Water! Fill a glass jar or other container with water and leave it in a window or outside under the moon’s light overnight. By morning, it will be charged with the moon’s energy, something you can use to enhance your spells and intentions.
Refresh & Recharge
The Full Moon is also the perfect time to cleanse and recharge your crystals. Place them in the window where they can absorb the light and energy of the Full Moon.
A Water Ritual
Another way to harness the power of the Full Moon is to gather a piece of paper & pen, some incense, and a glass or jar of distilled or purified water.
First, cleanse the jar with the smoke from the incense, then fill the jar with distilled or spring water. After placing your jar in a window or place where it will get direct moonlight, take out your piece of paper. Write down your intention and speak it aloud as you visualize your wish coming to fruition. Slip the paper under the glass and allow it to remain there overnight, absorbing the energy of the moon. The next morning, your manifestation ritual is complete. Not only are you well on the way to making your desires a reality. You also have a new source of moonwater for future spellwork.
Journaling for the Full Moon
If you want to get more out of the Full Moon, consider joining the Alder Moon tier, where I’ve posted a special journaling prompt for this Wolf Moon.